Question 25. How do you place an exchange order?
An “Exchange Order” is an instruction given by a buyer or seller to an “Intermediary” to a person or organization to buy or sell for him/her on the Exchange. This instruction may include the following:…
Question 24. Is it easy to buy and sell stocks?
Buying and selling stocks in our country it is a very burdensome, time-consuming business. Even if you have decided what to buy and sell, it is a formality, there’s fatigue.. Godspeed! ..
Question 23. Can anyone go and trade on the stock exchange?
One cannot just go and buy and sell on the Stock Exchange. He/she must use an intermediary. However, they can buy and sell directly from a friend, acquaintance or someone who wants to sell. Or…
Question 22. How are prices determined in over-the-counter supply?
Outside the Stock Exchange. In a Public Offering, closed companies or holdings that have been established before and have been in operation for a long time, conduct some studies to determine the “Market Value” of…
Question 21. How are public offerings made outside the stock exchange?
The Capital Markets Board may permit public offerings in large packages to be made through banks, outside the Stock Exchange, at bank branches or at the counters of intermediary institutions. Such sales start on a…
Question 20. How is the price formed?
In the stock market, each stock has more than one price in each session. It is useful to know what these prices are and how they are formed. Let’s tell you about these prices respectively:…
Question 19. How many types of brokers are there on the stock exchange?
There are currently 3 types of Intermediaries operating on the Exchange: 1)BanksSome public and private sector banks have been authorized to Service” and obtaining an ”Intermediary Certificate and intermediation as well as banking.2) Intermediary InstitutionsThese…
Question 18. Who are the intermediary institutions/persons?
Share Certificates: persons and founders who have “adopted the profession” of buying and selling and who have obtained the necessary certificate related to this profession Intermediary Institution, Intermediary Person”. In other countries, institutions and individuals…
Question 17. What is brokerage?
A joint stock company that is newly established and offers its shares to the public or a previously established company that goes public may sell its shares in the “First-Hand Market” by its own means.…
Question 16. What does first-hand market – second-hand market mean?
The market where stocks are sold by joint stock companies “outside the stock exchange” is called the “Primary Market”. Within the framework of applicable laws, some companies during the establishment phase or when they go…