Question 54. What is the value of a stock? What is its price?

Value and price are different things: Value is the “worth” of a stock, determined by different measures from different perspectives.

(1) Nominal Value: It is the value written on the share certificate when it is issued (printed). In Turkey, it is written on each share certificate (1 share must be at least 500 TL) how many shares it represents and at what value it was issued.

(2) Issue Value: Some Joint Stock Companies, when issuing (selling for the first time) their Shares, may sell them not at the Nominal Value (the price written on the Share Certificate), but at a price above it. For example, they may sell their TL 1,000 Shares to the public at TL 1,500.
they can offer. (In this case, the difference between the Nominal Value and the Issue Value enters into the coffers of the Joint Stock Company as profit).

(3) Book Value: When corporations buy and sell shares, they recognize this transaction in their statutory books at the purchase and sale price. The price subject to this transaction is called “Book Value”. Although there is no such obligation and bookkeeping for natural persons (individuals), it is seen that they also refer to the purchase and sale price as “Book Value”.

(4) Market Value: In the Stock Exchange, the prices of stocks change continuously. However, in short periods of time, for example, within a month or a week, an average Market Value can be mentioned, taking into account the tendency of the development in the price of each Stock. Market Value is the amount at which a stock can be bought and sold according to the price movements in a short period of time.

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